The IX: Golf Thursday with Carly Grenfell, May 16, 2019

Golfers are more than golfers — Interview with Jenny Brockerstette — Must-click links in women's golf

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More Than Golfers

Each week as I’m thumbing through all the latest news in women’s golf, I always seem to be taken aback by some of the articles I stumbled across. And by taken aback, I mean I’m genuinely and extremely impressed with not just the LPGA itself as an organization, but the golfers as well.

Quick example: you’ll find in the links collection that one golfer graduated with a degree to become a chemical engineer, that there are currently seven moms on the LPGA and three currently expecting, that one golfer has raised over $10 million for charity and that another golfer will be starring in a movie in Thailand. How can you not be impressed by that?

When I come across news of this nature, I always think of ESPN reporter Holly Rowe, because I feel she is one of the best in the business at really telling a story and getting people to understand that athletes, professional and in college, are so much more than just athletes. They have stories beyond the turf, court and green. We should be applauding them not only for what they do on game day, but the things they are accomplishing outside of it too.

I am in Farmingdale, New York this week for the 2019 PGA Championship at Bethpage Black and I sat in on a press conference with Jordan Spieth yesterday. He was getting grilled about this “slump” he’s in and he finally just responded with something to the effect of — “you guys, I haven’t won in over a year, it’s not really a slump. We all have ups and downs.” I find it frustrating at times that the media loses sight of the fact that athletes are human and can’t always be “on.” Not to mention, he’s one of the most well-liked and fan friendly guys on the PGA TOUR.

Look at Lexi Thompson, who’s also been looked at with a critical eye, similar to Jordan, for her performance and now decided to take a break from social media. Those two things are not unrelated. So often, we criticize and critique and think we know the solutions for athletes, when we really, truly, have no idea what they go through everyday. We have no idea the battles they fight to overcome the lows. It’s just society, really. We are the first to judge and don’t give much room for mistakes.

To bring it all back, I think one of the best parts about sport is the platform it gives us to tell a really good story. Maybe screaming into the television or having a really strong opinion about athletes and how they are performing gets the clicks and ratings we all want, but they aren’t the end-all-be-all. My vote is we do more story-telling and less critiquing. I wish that every major news outlet was talking about all the moms on the LPGA kicking major butt and that players on the LPGA have really bright careers if golf isn’t in the equation, like becoming a chemical engineer.

The sad reality is just the niche golf media and reporters are telling these stories. Amazing that they are, but you always want a little more when you see the kind of rock stars they are. If you’ve never been to an LPGA event, you should go. Speaking of which — if any of you live in the Minneapolis area, I encourage you to check out the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship to get a first-hand look at these players in June. They are obviously talented and fun to watch, but more importantly, they are personable and approachable, and will make your experience a unique one.

This Week in Women’s Golf

Reminder: First, the underlined words are the links. Second. CLICK these, even if you’ve already read them. Clicks = Attention from editors, producers and webmasters. Third, if you want to push out stuff you’ve written or read, email me!

Olympic Champion Park looks to defend title in Tokyo in Olympic Summer Games.

LPGA’s Jackie Stoelting announces her baby’s gender.

McDonald reflects on her mother’s impact in this awesome tribute.

Great read on LPGA Founder Marilynn Smith’s impact.

UCF Women’s Golf defies expectations to reach NCAA Tournament championship.

Brooke Henderson making a large impact on junior golfers in Canada.

Davies aims for a repeat at the U.S. Senior Women’s Open that tees off this week.

Catriona Matthew is done playing on the LPGA after 25 years.

There’s an 80-year-old playing in the U.S. Senior Women’s Open!

This LPGA player is a professional golfer and a chemical engineer (casual).

Nine college teams have both men’s and women’s teams at NCAA Championships.

Betsy King has raised millions of dollars for her own charity Fore Golf Africa.

Ariya Jutanugarn is starring in a movie in Thailand!

Danielle Kang caddied for her brother in a U.S. Open qualifier.

The LPGA is seeing a baby boom and offers Tour daycare for moms.

Tweet of the Week

Five at The IX: Amy and Jenny Bockerstette

Do you recognize the name Amy Bockerstette? She was the Special Olympics Golfer who Gary Woodland surprised not too long ago at the Phoenix Open by. When Woodland took her out on the course, she parred the hole! You won’t regret watching that interaction between Gary and Amy, by the way. As part of the LPGA’s ongoing ‘Drive On’ campaign, they interviewed Amy and her mom to talk about how girls golf has impacted their lives and the whirlwind of publicity that followed after Amy’s par at the Phoenix Open. Last year, Amy signed her letter of intent to play college golf at Paradise Valley Community College.

Mondays: Soccer
By: Annie Peterson, @AnnieMPeterson AP Women’s Soccer
Tuesdays: Tennis
By Lindsay Gibbs, @Linzsports ThinkProgress
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By: Howard Megdal, @HowardMegdal High Post Hoops
Thursdays: Golf
By Carly Grenfell, @Carlygren
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By: Erica Ayala, @ELindsay08 NWHL Broadcaster

Written by The IX Team